So America is now looking at the worrisome possibility of a recession in 2013, joblessness surging back above 9%, and the young and long-term unemployment languishing even more. 因此,现在美国看到的可能前景是:人忧心忡忡:2013年可能再次陷入衰退、失业率重新回到9%上方以及年轻人和长期失业数据更加糟糕。
Take the problem of long-term unemployment. 让我们用长远的眼光来看失业问题。
The economic and social costs of unemployment, long-term unemployment, discouragement and widespread low-quality jobs for young people continue to rise and undermine economies 'growth potential, the report says. 该报告称:年轻人失业、长期失业、(因失业带来的)挫折感以及普遍的低质量就业所产生的经济和社会成本将持续上升并损害各国经济的发展潜力。
It meant she was lucky never to experience long-term unemployment again, and retired happily at the age of 60 after separating from her husband. 与丈夫的分离也意味着她很幸运地不用再经历长期的失业了,可以愉快地工作到60岁退休。
Did you find a job after long-term unemployment? 长时间失业之后,你找到工作了吗?
While average living standards are still among the highest in Europe, successive governments have failed to substantially reduce long-term youth unemployment and poverty, which have affected immigrant communities worst. 虽然平均生活标准依然在欧洲高居榜首,多届政府未能有效减少青年长期失业和贫困问题,移民社区最受影响。
In California, at least 93000 people will be cut off from their federal long-term unemployment pay. 在加州,至少有93000人会被切断来自联邦长期失业的这笔支付。
Mr. Obama urged the Congress to pass a four-year extension of payroll tax cut as well as a long-term unemployment insurance. 奥巴马敦促国会通过一份为期4年的减税以及长期的失业保险议案。
Long-term youth unemployment has long-term consequences for young people and for businesses, according to the ILO and other labor market experts. 国际劳工组织和其他劳动力市场专家说,年轻人长期失业对年轻人自己和企业都有着长期的影响。
Mr Bernanke said the unemployment rate remains well above its longer-run normal level and rates of underemployment and long-term unemployment are still much too high. 伯南克指出,失业率依然远高于长期正常水平,不充分就业率和长期失业率依然远远过高。
Prolonging long-term unemployment will remove people from the workforce permanently. 长期失业将使劳动者永远离开工作岗位。
Long-term unemployment, as well as the unbearable high cost of living, made him bad tempered and easily angered. 长期的失业,加上生活开支高得让人吃不消,导致他脾气暴躁,动辄生气。
I began to understand why long-term unemployment can be so damaging, why life without an externally supported daily plan can lead to higher rate of drug abuse, crime, suicide. 我开始理解为什么长时间的失业会那么伤人,为什么一个人的生活缺少了外部支持的日常计划就会导致吸毒、犯罪、自杀率的增长。
These men and women are well aware that long-term unemployment will make them harder to re-employ. 这些人清楚地意识到,长期失业将令他们更难以重新就业。
If that worker was leaving long-term unemployment, the reward for returning to work was even stronger. 如果这位劳动者是在长期失业后找到工作的,再就业得到的回报就更高。
Europe also needs a clear determination to avoid long-term unemployment. 欧洲还需要表明避免长期失业的决心。
In particular, he noted the adverse impact of long-term unemployment, which has risen sharply over the past year. 他特别指出了长期失业的负面影响。在过去一年,长期失业现象急剧增加。
The report said governments must urgently adapt their labour market and social policies to prevent people falling into the trap of long-term unemployment. 该报告表示,各国政府必须尽快调整本国的劳动力市场和社会政策,防止人们陷入长期失业的困境。
Stung by a union backlash on the important of workers to meet shortages, the government is changing the operation of its scheme in an attempt to shift the stubbornly high levels of long-term unemployment. 政府在引进技术工人来填补技术工短缺的政策上遭到工会激烈反对后,改变了其解决居高不下的长期失业率的策略。
Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long-term unemployment is still rising. 本周要发布的官方数字表明,长期失业的人数还在增加。
The country is grappling with an unfamiliar problem: long-term unemployment that erodes skills and drives disengagement from the labour force. 美国正努力应对一个陌生的问题:长期的高失业率使劳动者技能降低,并导致大批劳动者退出劳动力市场。
First, since the recession was unusually deep and the recovery unusually slow, the US is experiencing unheard-of long-term unemployment rates. 首先,由于衰退异乎寻常的严重,同时复苏异乎寻常的缓慢,美国正经历着前所未闻的长期高失业率。
The official jobless rate conceals a surge in long-term unemployment to a postwar record. 隐满了长期失业率蹿升的官方失业率创下战后记录。
The especially sharp drop in full-time jobs, the duration of long-term unemployment, and the declining average work week are all contributing to concern over the prospects of the US economy. 全职岗位特大幅度的下滑、长期失业的持续时间、周平均工作时间的减少,均加剧了人们对美国经济前景的担忧。
No. The nation with the lowest levels of poverty and income inequality in the EU, as well as the lowest rate of long-term unemployment, is Denmark – a country with competitive product markets and some of the least restrictive labour laws. 并非如此。在欧盟内部,贫困和收入不均程度最低,以及长期失业率最低的国家,都是丹麦。该国拥有竞争性的产品市场,以及一些限制性最弱的劳工法律。
This paper explores the prominent features of labor market in Europe over the past 30 years: slow employment growth, high unemployment rate, large proportion of long-term unemployment rate, and serious unemployment of young people. 欧洲就业战略就是这种探索的一个集中体现。本文首先着重分析了欧洲三十年来劳动力市场的显著特征:就业增长缓慢,失业率居高不下,长期失业率比重高,青年失业严重;
Unemployment causes decrease of income for some people and then affects their living quality. Long-term unemployment also causes psychological burden of the unemployed, and they even bring about social problem. 失业使一部分人的收入降低,影响他们的生活质量,长久的失业还会导致失业者承受极大的心理负担,甚至引发社会问题。
Students generally long-term unemployment is a serious problem, and students protect the employment rights of legal issues related to highly complex, students unemployment and general unemployment is a big difference. 大学生失业是普遍的长期的严峻问题,与大学生就业权利保护相关的法律问题极其复杂,大学生失业与一般失业是有很大区别的。
Although the employment situation in EU has been gradually improved, the long-term unemployment is still prominent. The skill gap between labor supply and market demand and the insufficient occupational and geographical mobility are the main reasons. 虽然欧盟的就业形势不断改善,但长期结构性失业问题仍然十分突出,劳动力技能水平与市场需求的差距,以及职业和地理流动的不充分是造成结构性失业的主要原因。